The ASCROM crop model has a main factor driving the plant developmnent dynamic : Kcb (Basal crop coefficient, provided by the ClimaticWaterDemand atomic model)
References: “Crop evapotranspiration - Guidelines for computing crop water requirements - FAO Irrigation and drainage paper 56” - See documentation
The ClimaticWaterDemand atomic model use a kcb_interp daily input value to compute Kcb (with a crop failure process).
This daily input is generated by an another atomic model (Interpolate from vle.discrete-time.generic package: a generic linear interpolator). There a single crop kcb dynamics is defined with a parametric approach using 7 sets of date/value pairs (built around 3 reference values for kc : KC_ini, KC_mid, KC_end)
date | kc |
59 (T_ini_1 -1) | 0 |
60 (T_ini_1) | 0.3 (KC_ini) |
69 (T_ini_2) | 0.3 (KC_ini) |
74 (T_mid_1) | 1.1 (KC_mid) |
79 (T_mid_2) | 1.1 (KC_mid) |
89 (T_end) | 0.6 (KC_end) |
90 (T_end + 1) | 0 |
On top of that in order to take into account a climatic effect on KC values we use the following correction equation to alter the KC_mid, KC_end values (leaving all dates unchanged) ( :
\[ kc\_climate\_correction = \left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} kc, & \text{if}\ kc < 0.45 \\ kc + (\frac{u2\_mean-2.}{25}-\frac{RHmin\_mean-45.}{250})*(\frac{h}{3})^{0.3}, & \text{otherwise} \\ \end{array}\right. \]
u2_mean : a mean wind speed value (in m.s-1)
RHmin_mean : a mean relative air humidity value (in %)
h : plant max height (in m)
The periods used for computing u2_mean and RHmin_mean values from climate daily values are :
date | kc |
59 | 0 |
60 | 0.3 |
69 | 0.3 |
74 | 1.148 |
79 | 1.148 |
89 | 0.6457 |
90 | 0 |
91 | 0 |
92 | 0.4 |
101 | 0.4 |
106 | 1.209 |
111 | 1.209 |
121 | 0.7125 |
122 | 0 |
#> function (XX_params, weatherdata, debut_sim, h, dbgLog = FALSE)
#> {
#> XX_params_new <- XX_params
#> weatherdates <- chron(paste(weatherdata$annee, weatherdata$mois,
#> weatherdata$jour, sep = "-"), format = c(dates = "y-m-d"))
#> date_debut <- chron(debut_sim, format = c(dates = "y-m-d"))
#> stage_dates <- date_debut + as.integer(sapply(XX_params$pairs,
#> function(x) {
#> x$date
#> })) - 1
#> kc_periods <- data.frame(start = stage_dates[c(FALSE, FALSE,
#> FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)], end = stage_dates[c(FALSE,
#> RHmin_mean <- sapply(1:nrow(kc_periods), function(i) {
#> mean(weatherdata$RHmin[(weatherdates >= kc_periods$start[i]) &
#> (weatherdates <= kc_periods$end[i])])
#> })
#> u2_mean <- sapply(1:nrow(kc_periods), function(i) {
#> mean(weatherdata$u2[(weatherdates >= kc_periods$start[i]) &
#> (weatherdates <= kc_periods$end[i])])
#> })
#> kc_values <- sapply(XX_params$pairs, function(x) {
#> x$kcb
#> kc_corrected_values <- kc_values
#> index_to_correct <- (kc_values > 0.45)
#> kc_corrected_values[index_to_correct] <- .kc_climate_correction_eq(kc = kc_values[index_to_correct],
#> u2_mean = u2_mean[index_to_correct], RHmin_mean = RHmin_mean[index_to_correct],
#> h = rep(h, each = 2)[index_to_correct], dbgLog)
#> for (idseq_index in 1:(length(kc_corrected_values)%/%2)) {
#> pairs_current_start_index <- (idseq_index - 1) * 7
#> kcc_current_start_index <- (idseq_index - 1) * 2
#> XX_params_new$pairs[[pairs_current_start_index + 4]]$kcb <- kc_corrected_values[kcc_current_start_index +
#> 1]
#> XX_params_new$pairs[[pairs_current_start_index + 5]]$kcb <- kc_corrected_values[kcc_current_start_index +
#> 1]
#> XX_params_new$pairs[[pairs_current_start_index + 6]]$kcb <- kc_corrected_values[kcc_current_start_index +
#> 2]
#> }
#> return(XX_params_new)
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x560da405c1d0>
#> function (kc, u2_mean, RHmin_mean, h, dbgLog = FALSE)
#> {
#> kc_corrected <- kc + (0.04 * (u2_mean - 2) - 0.004 * (RHmin_mean -
#> 45)) * (h/3)^0.3
#> if (dbgLog)
#> cat(file = stderr(), "\tkc: ", kc, "\n\tu2_mean:", u2_mean,
#> "\n\tRHmin_mean:", RHmin_mean, "\n\th:", h, "\n\t\t->",
#> kc_corrected, "\n")
#> return(kc_corrected)
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x560da5b30ae8>
date | kc | kc_CC |
59 | 0 | 0 |
60 | 0.3 | 0.3 |
69 | 0.3 | 0.3 |
74 | 1.1 | 1.148 |
79 | 1.1 | 1.148 |
89 | 0.6 | 0.6457 |
90 | 0 | 0 |
91 | 0 | 0 |
92 | 0.4 | 0.4 |
101 | 0.4 | 0.4 |
106 | 1.2 | 1.209 |
111 | 1.2 | 1.209 |
121 | 0.7 | 0.7125 |
122 | 0 | 0 |
2456717 | 2456718 | 2456727 | 2456732 | 2456737 | 2456747 | 2456748 | 2456749 |
2456750 | 2456759 | 2456764 | 2456769 | 2456779 | 2456780 |
start | end |
2456718 | 2456727 |
2456732 | 2456737 |
2456737 | 2456747 |
2456750 | 2456759 |
2456764 | 2456769 |
2456769 | 2456779 |
39.6 | 19 | 20.32 | 28.9 | 34.83 | 33.32 |
0.7702 | 0.7512 | 0.8219 | 1.448 | 1.228 | 1.186 |