The ASCROM package provide four atomic models called ClimaticWaterDemand, IrrigationDemand, ActualIrrigation, WaterFlows and their corresponding configuration in order to facilitate the use of the models.
These four atomic models are intended to be coupled to simulate the atmosphere/soil/plant system.
This coupled model is intended as an alternative to the Stics model when testing the above and below ground water flows.
References: “Crop evapotranspiration - Guidelines for computing crop water requirements - FAO Irrigation and drainage paper 56” - See documentation
The ClimaticWaterDemand model (using extension class DiscreteTimeDyn
) calculates the daily potential evapotranspiration. This calculation is split in two parts: calculation of the potential crop transpiration and calculation of the potential soil evaporation. We use the generic approach based on Kcb (basal crop coefficient) and proposed by FAO method, to estimate the potential transpiration. We calculate a coefficient Ke to estimate the potential evaporation of soil. This model also handles the dynamic of crop growth (growth of roots ).
To define the dynamic:
List and information about all possible parameters (name, type, ismandatory, description with default value).
See documentation of DiscreteTimeDyn
to get all available extension parameters (for example time_step)
Parameter name | Type | Is mandatory? | Description |
SoilDepth | double | [x] | soil depth [double] [m] |
REW1 | double | [x] | soil surface layer readily evaporable water. Cumulative depth of evaporation (depletion) at the end of stage 1 [mm] see Table 4 |
REW2 | double | [x] | soil deep layer readily ?? water. Cumulative depth of ?? (depletion) at the end of stage 1 [mm] see Table 4 |
fw | double | [x] | average fraction of soil surface wetted by irrigation or light rainfalls (i.e rain < Rain_Threshold) [0.01 - 1]. If heavy rainfall, fw=1. See Table Table 4 |
fw_Rain_Threshold | double | [x] | Rain threshold where fw=1. |
Failure_Option | int | [x] | Choose crop failure option {0:none, 1:water, 2:yield, 3:water&yield, 4:water|yield}. |
few_parameter | double | [] (default=1) | reference parameter for few computation. |
isDrip | boolean | [] (default=False) | Drip option for few computation. |
List and information about all possible input ports (name, type, description with units).
for model using extension discrete-time also include sync info
List and information about all possible output ports (name, type, description with units).
List and information about all possible observation ports (name, type, description with units).
Same as Output settings, see above.
List and information about all configuration metadata files
Kcb(t) : Reference value of Kcb (after climatic correction). The calculation is first based on the linear interpolation from a set of pairs (Kc_params). In the FAO approach, the calculation is based on three pairs of values: Kcini, Kcmid, Kcend, provided in Table 1 (Annexe), and average stage durations for each crop, by climate are provided in Table 5 (Annexe).
We then also add a potential failure process based on consecutive days with water deficit (Days_Without_Water) and/or crop yield fraction (YieldFraction).
\[ Is\_Failure\_From\_WaterSupply(t) = Is\_Failure\_From\_WaterSupply(t-1) | (Days\_Without\_Water(t-1) \geq Lethal\_Threshold\_Days\_Without\_Water(t)) \label{eq:Is_Failure_From_WaterSupply}\]
\[ Is\_Failure\_From\_YieldFraction(t) = Is\_Failure\_From\_YieldFraction(t-1) | (YieldFraction(t-1) \leq Lethal\_Threshold\_YieldFraction(t) \text{&} Days\_Since\_Sowing(t-1) > NoFailurePeriod(t)) \label{eq:Is_Failure_From_YieldFraction}\]
\[ Is\_Failure(t)=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} (Kcb\_interp(t)>0) \text{&} Is\_Failure\_From\_WaterSupply(t), & \text{if}\ Failure\_Option=1 \\ (Kcb\_interp(t)>0) \text{&} Is\_Failure\_From\_YieldFraction(t), & \text{else if}\ Failure\_Option=2 \\ (Kcb\_interp(t)>0) \text{&} Is\_Failure\_From\_WaterSupply(t) \text{&} Is\_Failure\_From\_YieldFraction(t), & \text{else if}\ Failure\_Option=3 \\ (Kcb\_interp(t)>0) \text{&} (Is\_Failure\_From\_WaterSupply(t) \text{|} Is\_Failure\_From\_YieldFraction(t)), & \text{else if}\ Failure\_Option=4 \\ False, & \text{otherwise} \\ \end{array}\right. \label{eq:Is_Failure}\]
\[ Failure\_counter(t)=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} Failure\_counter(t-1) + 1, & \text{if}\ (Is\_Failure(t-1)=0) \text{&} (Is\_Failure(t)=1) \\ Failure\_counter(t-1), & \text{otherwise} \\ \end{array}\right. \label{eq:Failure_counter}\]
\[ Days\_Without\_Water(t)=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} Days\_Without\_Water(t-1), & \text{if}\ Is\_Failure(t) \\ Days\_Without\_Water = Days\_Without\_Water(t-1) + 1, & \text{else if}\ Is\_Day\_Without\_Water \\ 0, & \text{otherwise} \end{array}\right. \label{eq:Days_Without_Water}\]
\(Is\_Day\_Without\_Water = (Kcb\_interp(t)>0) \text{&} ((Rain(t)<Rain\_Threshold\_To\_Reset\_Days\_Without\_Water(t)) \text{&} (Is\_Day\_Without\_Irrigation(t))\)
\[ Kcb(t)=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} 0, & \text{if}\ Is\_Failure(t) \\ Kcb\_interp(t), & \text{otherwise} \end{array}\right. \label{eq:Kcb}\]
\[ h(t)=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} 0, & \text{if}\ Is\_Failure(t) \\ h\_interp(t), & \text{otherwise} \end{array}\right. \label{eq:h}\]
\[ MaxDepthRoots(t)=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} 0, & \text{if}\ Is\_Failure(t) \\ MaxDepthRoots\_interp(t), & \text{otherwise} \end{array}\right. \label{eq:MaxDepthRoots}\]
\[ kcini(t)=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} 0, & \text{if}\ Is\_Failure(t) \\ kcini\_interp(t), & \text{otherwise} \end{array}\right. \label{eq:kcini}\]
\[ kcmid(t)=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} 0, & \text{if}\ Is\_Failure(t) \\ kcmid\_interp(t), & \text{otherwise} \end{array}\right. \label{eq:kcmid}\]
\[ Days\_Since\_Sowing(t)=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} Days\_Since\_Sowing(t-1) + 1, & \text{if}\ kcb(t) > 0 \\ 0, & \text{otherwise} \end{array}\right. \label{eq:Days_Since_Sowing}\]
This requires the prior calculation of different variables or parameters: Kcmax, AWC1, Kr …
Kcmax: represents an upper limit on evaporation and transpiration from the cropped surface. Kcmax ranges from about 1.05 to 1.30
\[ Kcmax(t)=\max\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} 1.2 + (0.04 * (u2(t) -2) -0.004 * (RHmin(t) -45)) * (h(t)/3)^{0.3} \\ Kcb(t) + 0.05 \end{array}\right) \label{eq:Kcmax }\]
Kr1: Soil evaporation and transpiration reduction coefficient. [dimensionless] [double]
Soil evaporation and transpiration from the exposed soil can be assumed to take place in two stages: an energy limiting stage, and a falling rate stage. During Stage 1, the soil surface remains wet and evaporation and transpiration are predicted to occur at the maximum rate limited only by energy availability at the soil surface and therefore, Kr1=1. As the soil surface dries, the evaporation and transpiration rate decreases below the potential rate, and Kr1 becomes less than one. Kr1 becomes zero when no water is left for evaporation and transpiration in the top soil reservoir.
\[ Kr1(t)=\min\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} 1 \\ \frac{WC\_R1(t-1)}{REW1} \end{array}\right) \label{eq:Kr1}\]
Kr2: Soil transpiration reduction coefficient. [dimensionless] [double]
Soil transpiration from the soil deep reservoir can be assumed to take place in two stages: an energy limiting stage, and a falling rate stage. During Stage 1, the soil remains wet and transpiration is predicted to occur at the maximum rate limited only by energy availability at the soil and therefore, Kr2=1. As the soil surface dries, the transpiration rate decreases below the potential rate, and Kr2 becomes less than one. Kr2 becomes zero when no water is left for transpiration in the soil deep reservoir. \[ Kr2(t)=\min\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} 1 \\ \frac{WC\_R2(t-1)}{REW2} \end{array}\right) \label{eq:Kr2}\]
1 - fc : average exposed soil fraction not covered (or shaded) by vegetation [0.01 - 1] - see Table Table 3
fc can also be estimated using the relationship.
\[fc(t) = (\frac{Kcb(t) - Kcini(t)}{Kcmax(t) - Kcini(t)})^{1 + 0.5*h} \label{eq:fc}\]
Remark : fc()=0 when kcb()=0
few : Exposed and wetted soil fraction
\[few(t)=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} \max\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} 1 - 2/3 * fc(t) \\ 0 \end{array}\right) * fw, & \text{if}\ isDrip \\ \min\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} \max\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} 1 - few\_parameter * fc(t) \\ 0 \end{array}\right) \\ fw\_Rain \end{array}\right), & \text{otherwise} \end{array}\right. \label{eq:few}\] with \[fw\_Rain=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} fw, & \text{if}\ Rain(t) < fw\_Rain\_Threshold \\ 1, & \text{otherwise} \end{array}\right. \]
Ke(t): Soil evaporation coefficient, Ke, describes the evaporation component of ETP. Where the topsoil is wet, following rain or irrigation, Ke is maximal, it only depends of the energy available for the evaporation process. Where the soil surface is dry, Ke is small and even zero when no water remains near the soil surface for evaporation.
\[Ke(t)=\min\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} Kr1(t) * (Kcmax(t) - Kcb(t)) \\ few(t) * Kcmax(t) \end{array}\right) \label{eq:Ke}\]
RootDepth(t): Depth of roots (m). (0 to MaxDepthRoots)
\[RootDepth(t)=\min\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} MaxDepthRoots(t) \\ SoilDepth \\ MaxDepthRoots(t) * Kcb(t)/Kcmid(t) \end{array}\right) \label{eq:RootDepth}\]
Max_transp(t) : Maximum transpiration
\[Max\_transp(t) = Kcb(t) * ET0(t) \label{eq:Max_transp}\]
Max_evap(t) : Maximum evaporation
\[Max\_evap(t) = Ke(t) * ET0(t) \label{eq:Max_evap}\]
PET(t): Potential Evapotranspiration
\[PET(t) = Max\_transp(t) + Max\_evap(t) \label{eq:PET}\]
The WaterFlows model (using extension class DiscreteTimeDyn
) estimate water flows from climatic and irrigation demands and available pumping water.
The water available for the crop is provided by rain and irrigation (and soil stock).
The soil is splitted into a surface layer (where both soil evaporation and a fraction of the total crop transpiration can occur), and a deep layer where only remaining crop transpiration is possible.
The crop potential transpiration demand is splitted homogeneously among the 2 soil layers according to the RootDepth.
In the case of unsatisfied transpiration demand in the surface layer, the difference is added to the deep layer transpiration demand.
To define the dynamic:
List and information about all possible parameters (name, type, ismandatory, description with default value).
See documentation of DiscreteTimeDyn
to get all available extension parameters (for example time_step)
Parameter name | Type | Is mandatory? | Description |
CurveNumber | double | [x] | RunOff CurveNumber parameter (??) |
Ia_SoilType_param | double | [x] | RunOff Ia parameter (??) |
TH1 | double | [x] | soil surface layer thickness (mm) |
ThetaFC1 | double | [x] | soil surface layer water content at field capacity (%) |
ThetaWP1 | double | [x] | soil surface layer water content wilting point (%) |
BD1 | double | [x] | soil surface layer bulk density (-) |
TH2 | double | [x] | soil deep layer thickness (mm) |
ThetaFC2 | double | [x] | soil deep layer water content at field capacity (%) |
ThetaWP2 | double | [x] | soil deep layer water content wilting point (%) |
BD2 | double | [x] | soil deep layer bulk density (-) |
List and information about all possible input ports (name, type, description with units).
for model using extension discrete-time also include sync info
List and information about all possible output ports (name, type, description with units).
List and information about all possible observation ports (name, type, description with units).
Same as Output settings, see above.
List and information about all configuration metadata files
\[RunOff(t)=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} \frac{(Rain(t) - Ia)^2}{Rain(t) - Ia - S}, & \text{if}\ Rain(t) > Ia\\ 0, & \text{otherwise} \end{array}\right. \label{eq:RunOff}\]
\(S = \frac{25400}{CurveNumber} - 254\)
\(Ia = Ia\_SoilType\_param * S\)
\[I\_R1(t)=\max\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} 0. \\ Rain(t) + ActualIrrigation(t) - RunOff(t) \end{array}\right) \label{eq:I_R1}\]
\[I\_R2(t)=\max\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} 0. \\ WC\_R1(t-1) + I\_R1(t) - AWC1 \end{array}\right) \label{eq:I_R2}\]
\(AWC1 = (ThetaFC1 - ThetaWP1) * BD1 * TH1\)
\[Drain(t)=\max\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} 0. \\ WC\_R2(t-1) + I\_R2(t) - AWC2 \end{array}\right) \label{eq:Drain}\]
\(AWC2 = (ThetaFC2 - ThetaWP2) * BD2 * TH2\)
\[WCtmp\_R1(t) = WC\_R1(t-1) + I\_R1(t) - I\_R2(t) \label{eq:WCtmp_R1}\]
\[WCtmp\_R2(t) = WC\_R2(t-1) + I\_R2(t) - Drain(t) \label{eq:WCtmp_R2}\]
\[max\_trans\_R1(t)=\min\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} 1. \\ \frac{TH1}{RootDepth(t)*1000} \end{array}\right) * Max\_transp(t) \label{eq:max_trans_R1}\]
\[max\_trans\_R2(t)=\max\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} 0. \\ \frac{RootDepth(t)*1000 - TH1}{RootDepth(t)*1000} \end{array}\right) * Max\_transp(t) \label{eq:max_trans_R2}\]
\[actual\_evap(t)=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} Max\_evap(t), & \text{if}\ Max\_evap(t) + max\_trans\_R1(t) \le WCtmp\_R1(t) or Max\_evap(t)<few(t) * WCtmp\_R1(t)\\ few(t) * WCtmp\_R1(t), & \text{otherwise} \end{array}\right. \label{eq:actual_evap}\]
\[actual\_transp\_R1(t)=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} max\_trans\_R1(t) * Kr1(t), & \text{if}\ Max\_evap(t) + max\_trans\_R1(t) \le WCtmp\_R1(t) \\ fc(t) * \min\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} max\_trans\_R1(t) * Kr1(t) \\ WCtmp\_R1(t) \end{array}\right), & \text{otherwise} \end{array}\right. \label{eq:actual_transp_R1}\]
\[actual\_transp\_R2(t)= \min\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} Kr2(t) * (max\_trans\_R1(t) - actual\_transp\_R1(t) + max\_trans\_R2(t)) \\ WCtmp\_R2(t) * fracRoot\_R2 \end{array}\right) \label{eq:actual_transp_R2}\]
\[fracRoot\_R2=\max\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} 0. \\ \frac{RootDepth(t)*1000 - TH1}{TH2} \end{array}\right) \label{eq:fracRoot_R2}\nonumber\]
\[actual\_transp(t) = actual\_transp\_R1(t) + actual\_transp\_R2(t) \label{eq:actual_transp}\]
\[WC\_R1(t)=\min\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} AWC1 \\ WCtmp\_R1(t) - actual\_transp\_R1(t) - actual\_evap(t) \end{array}\right) \label{eq:WC_R1}\]
\[WC\_R2(t)=\min\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} AWC2 \\ WCtmp\_R2(t) - actual\_transp\_R2(t) \end{array}\right) \label{eq:WC_R2}\]
\[stress\_index = \frac{actual\_transp(t)}{Max\_transp(t)} \label{eq:stress_index}\]
\[DailyBalanceControl(t) = \Delta WC(t) - Rain(t) - ActualIrrigation(t) + RunOff(t) + Drain(t) + actual\_evap(t) + actual\_transp\_R1(t) + actual\_transp\_R2(t) \label{eq:DailyBalanceControl}\]
\(\Delta WC(t) = (WC\_R1(t) + WC\_R2(t)) - (WC\_R1(t-1) + WC\_R2(t-1))\)
De(t) Cumulative depth of evaporation (depletion) from the soil surface layer after a day with “heavy precipitation” [m],
FAO equation : \(De(t) = max(0, De(t-1) -(P(t)-R(t)) - I(t)/fw + Max\_evap(t)/few + AWC1(t) + DPe(t))\) combined with
\(De(t) = AWC1 - WC\_R1(t)\)
\(AWC1 - WC\_R1(t) = max(0, AWC1 - WC\_R1(t-1) -(P(t)-R(t)) - I(t)/fw + Max\_evap(t)/few + AWC1(t) + DPe(t))\)
\(-WC\_R1(t) = max(-AWC1, - WC\_R1(t-1) -(P(t)-R(t)) - I(t)/fw + Max\_evap(t)/few + AWC1(t) + DPe(t))\)
\(WC\_R1(t) = min(AWC1, WC_R1(t-1) + (P(t)-R(t)) + I(t)/fw - Max\_evap(t)/few - AWC1(t) - DPe(t))\) combined with
\(WC\_R1(t) = min(AWC1, WC_R1(t-1) + (Rain(t)-RunOff(t)) + Irrigation(t)/fw - Max\_evap(t)/few - AWC1(t) - I\_R2(t))\)
to be compared to WaterFlow eq (combination of above eq for WC_R1, WCtmp_R1, I_R1) :
\[WC\_R1(t)=\min\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} AWC1 \\ WC\_R1(t-1) + Rain(t) + Irrigation(t) - RunOff(t) - I\_R2(t) - actual\_transp\_R1(t) - actual\_evap(t) \end{array}\right) \label{eq:WC_R1.2}\nonumber\]
The IrrigationDemand model (using extension class DiscreteTimeDyn
) estimate daily irrigation demand.
To define the dynamic:
List and information about all possible parameters (name, type, ismandatory, description with default value).
See documentation of DiscreteTimeDyn
to get all available extension parameters (for example time_step)
Parameter name | Type | Is mandatory? | Description |
Rule_Strat | string | [x] | strategy option for irrigation rule (choose from {None, Rain_Threshold, SoilWaterContent_Threshold, CropWaterStress_Threshold}) |
List and information about all possible input ports (name, type, description with units).
for model using extension discrete-time also include sync info
List and information about all possible output ports (name, type, description with units).
List and information about all possible observation ports (name, type, description with units).
Same as Output settings, see above.
List and information about all configuration metadata files
By setting the value of parameter Rule_Strat the user is choosing one of the following irrigation strategy:
\[ IrrigationDose(t)=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} 0, & \text{if}\ Is\_Failure(t) \\ IrrigationDose\_interp(t), & \text{otherwise} \end{array}\right. \label{eq:IrrigationDose}\]
Depending on the Rule_Strat option choosed, a criterion might be used to decide if a new irrigation event should start. (see below the different options).
\[Irrigation\_Demand(t) = IrrigationDose(t) \label{eq:Irrigation_Demand}\]
The cummulated rain over the last 7 days is compared to a threshold value
\[ Rain\_Threshold(t)=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} 0, & \text{if}\ Is\_Failure(t) \\ Rain\_Threshold\_interp(t), & \text{otherwise} \end{array}\right. \label{eq:Rain_Threshold}\]
\[ start\_rule=(Rain7days(t) + Irrigation7days(t-1) < Rain\_Threshold(t)) \label{eq:start_Rain_Threshold}\]
The soil water content is compared to a threshold value
\[ SoilWaterContent\_Threshold(t)=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} 0, & \text{if}\ Is\_Failure(t) \\ SoilWaterContent\_Threshold\_interp(t), & \text{otherwise} \end{array}\right. \label{eq:SoilWaterContent_Threshold}\]
\[ start\_rule=(SoilWaterContent(t-1) < SoilWaterContent\_Threshold(t)) \label{eq:start_SoilWaterContent_Threshold}\]
The crop water stress index is compared to a threshold value (Remark : for the crop water stress index defined in the WaterFlows model 0 is max stress and 1 no stress)
\[ CropWaterStress\_Threshold(t)=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} 0, & \text{if}\ Is\_Failure(t) \\ CropWaterStress\_Threshold\_interp(t), & \text{otherwise} \end{array}\right. \label{eq:CropWaterStress_Threshold}\]
\[ start\_rule=(CropWaterStress(t-1) < CropWaterStress\_Threshold(t)) \label{eq:start_CropWaterStress_Threshold}\]
The ActualIrrigation model (using extension class DiscreteTimeDyn
) estimate ….
To define the dynamic:
List and information about all possible parameters (name, type, ismandatory, description with default value).
See documentation of DiscreteTimeDyn
to get all available extension parameters (for example time_step)
Parameter name | Type | Is mandatory? | Description |
Irrig_Efficiency | double | [x] | fraction of irrigation water reaching soil surface. |
List and information about all possible input ports (name, type, description with units).
for model using extension discrete-time also include sync info
List and information about all possible output ports (name, type, description with units).
List and information about all possible observation ports (name, type, description with units).
Same as Output settings, see above.
List and information about all configuration metadata files
\[ActualIrrigation(t)= Irrigation(t) * Irrig\_Efficiency \label{eq:ActualIrrigation}\]
The Yield model (using extension class DiscreteTimeDyn
) estimate ….
To define the dynamic:
List and information about all possible parameters (name, type, ismandatory, description with default value).
See documentation of DiscreteTimeDyn
to get all available extension parameters (for example time_step)
Parameter name | Type | Is mandatory? | Description |
List and information about all possible input ports (name, type, description with units).
for model using extension discrete-time also include sync info
List and information about all possible output ports (name, type, description with units).
List and information about all possible observation ports (name, type, description with units).
Same as Output settings, see above.
List and information about all configuration metadata files
\[StressReductionFactor(t)=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} 0, & \text{if}\ !Is\_Crop \\ \frac{StressReductionFactor(t-1)*(daycounter(t)-1) + CropWaterStress(t))}{daycounter(t)}, & \text{otherwise} \end{array}\right. \label{eq:StressReductionFactor}\]
\(Is\_Crop = ((YieldMax(t) > 0) \text{&} !Is\_Failure(t))\)
\(daycounter(t)=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} 0, & \text{if}\ !Is\_Crop \\ daycounter(t-1)+1, & \text{otherwise} \end{array}\right.\)
\[Yield(t)=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} 0, & \text{if}\ !Is\_Crop \\ \max\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} YieldMax(t) * (1. - Ky(t) * (1. - StressReductionFactor(t))) \\ 0. \end{array}\right), & \text{otherwise} \end{array}\right. \label{eq:Yield}\]
\[YieldFraction(t)=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} 0, & \text{if}\ !Is\_Crop \\ Yield(t)/YieldMax(t), & \text{otherwise} \end{array}\right. \label{eq:YieldFraction}\]
The Pond model (using extension class DiscreteTimeDyn
) estimate the pond volume and water flows (Evaporation, percolation and overflow internal processes and potential refilling/extraction from/for external sources).
The shape of the pond is a reversed truncated pyramid with a rectangular shaped base :
To define the dynamic:
List and information about all possible parameters (name, type, ismandatory, description with default value).
See documentation of DiscreteTimeDyn
to get all available extension parameters (for example time_step)
Parameter name | Type | Is mandatory? | Description |
X0 | double | [x] | Pond surface Length (m) |
Y0 | double | [x] | Pond surface Width (m) |
Z0 | double | [x] | Pond depth (m) |
fx | double | [x] | Shape coefficient for X dimension (must be positive) (m/m) |
Evap_coeff | double | [x] | Pond evaporation reduction coefficient (??) |
Percol_coeff | double | [x] | Pond percolation coefficient (??) |
Init_Pond_Frac | double | [x] | Pond initial volume as a fraction of V0 (-) |
The following are computed once from user parameters and then keep a fixed value during the simulation duration
Parameter name | Type | Description |
fy | double | Shape coefficient for Y dimension (m/m) |
S0 | double | Pond surface area (m2) |
X1 | double | Pond bottom Length (m) |
Y1 | double | Pond bottom Width (m) |
Z1 | double | Pyramid Apex depth (m) |
S1 | double | Pond bottom area (m2) |
V0 | double | Pond total volume (m3) |
V1 | double | Trunk volume of the truncated pyramid (m3) |
\[fy = \frac{Y0 * fx}{X0} \label{eq:fy}\]
\[S0 = X0 * Y0 \label{eq:S0}\]
\[X1 = X0 - fx * Z0 \label{eq:X1}\]
\[Y1 = Y0 - fy * Z0 \label{eq:Y1}\]
\[Z1 = \frac{X0}{fx} = \frac{Y0}{fy} \label{eq:Z1}\]
\[S1 = X1 * Y1 \label{eq:S1}\]
\[V0 = \frac{1}{3} * Z0 * (S0 + S1 + \sqrt{S0 * S1}) \label{eq:V0}\]
\[V1 = \frac{1}{3} * (Z1 - Z0) * (S0 + S1 + \sqrt{S0 * S1}) = \frac{1}{3} * (Z1 - Z0)^3 * fx * fy \label{eq:V1}\]
List and information about all possible input ports (name, type, description with units).
for model using extension discrete-time also include sync info
List and information about all possible output ports (name, type, description with units).
List and information about all possible observation ports (name, type, description with units).
Same as Output settings, see above.
List and information about all configuration metadata files
\[Percolation(t) =\min\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} Z(t-1) * S1 * Percol\_coeff \\ V(t-1) + Rain(t) * S0 / 1000. + RunOff(t) - Pond\_Irrigation(t) \end{array}\right) \label{eq:Percolation}\]
\[Evaporation(t) =\min\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} ET0(t) * Evap\_coeff * S(t-1) / 1000 \\ V(t-1) - Percolation(t) + Rain(t) * S0 / 1000. + RunOff(t) - Pond\_Irrigation(t) \end{array}\right) \label{eq:Evaporation}\]
\[Pump\_water\_refill(t)=\min\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} V0 - \min\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} V0 \\ (V(t-1) + Rain(t) * S0 / 1000. + RunOff(t) - Pond\_Irrigation(t) - Evaporation(t) - Percolation(t)) \end{array}\right) \\ AvailableWater(t) \end{array}\right) \label{eq:Pump_water_refill}\]
\[Pond\_Overflow(t)=\max\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} 0 \\ (V(t-1) + Rain(t) * S0 / 1000. + RunOff(t) - Pond\_Irrigation(t) - Evaporation(t) - Percolation(t) + AvailableWater(t)) - V0 \end{array}\right) \label{eq:Pond_Overflow}\]
\[V(t) = V(t-1) + Rain(t) * S0 / 1000. + Runoff(t) + AvailableWater(t) - Pond\_Overflow(t) - Pond\_Irrigation(t) - Evaporation(t) - Percolation(t) \label{eq:V}\]
and initialized with : \(V(0) = Init\_Pond\_Frac * V0\)
\[Z(t) = Z0 - Z1 + \sqrt[3]{\frac{3 * (V(t) + V1)}{fx * fy}} \label{eq:Z}\]
\(X(t) = (Z(t) + Z1 - Z0) * fx\)
\(Y(t) = (Z(t) + Z1 - Z0) * fy\)
\(S(t) = X(t) * Y(t) = (Z(t) + Z1 - Z0)^2 * fx * fy\)
\(V(t) = \frac{1}{3} * S(t) * (Z(t) + Z1 - Z0) - V1 = \frac{1}{3} * (Z(t) + Z1 - Z0)^3 * fx * fy - V1\)
\((Z(t) + Z1 - Z0)^3 =\frac{3 * (V(t) + V1)}{fx * fy}\)
\[X(t) = (Z(t) + Z1 - Z0) * fx \label{eq:X}\]
\[Y(t) = (Z(t) + Z1 - Z0) * fy \label{eq:Y}\]
\[S(t) = X(t) * Y(t) = (Z(t) + Z1 - Z0)^2 * fx * fy \label{eq:S}\]
The IrrigationPriority model (using extension class DiscreteTimeDyn
) estimate the priority for irrigation among the different plots of the farm. It is computed for each crops of each plots. The lowest value of IrrigationPriority is the highest priority.
To define the dynamic:
List and information about all possible parameters (name, type, ismandatory, description with default value).
See documentation of DiscreteTimeDyn
to get all available extension parameters (for example time_step)
Parameter name | Type | Is mandatory? | Description |
nbBele | int | [x] | number of plots to manage |
a | double | [x] | strategy weight coefficient for plot priority |
b | double | [x] | strategy weight coefficient for crop water stress |
c | double | [x] | strategy weight coefficient for crop cycle completeness |
d | double | [x] | strategy weight coefficient for irrigation technics |
RS_strategy | int | [x] | Ranking Stress strategy, {1:favor most stressed ; 2:favor least stressed} |
RC_strategy | int | [x] | Ranking Cycle strategy, {1:favor latest in crop cycle ; 2:favor earliest in crop cycle} |
BelePriorities | set < double > | [x] | Ranking of the different plots, all values must be different from each others |
List and information about all possible input ports (name, type, description with units).
for model using extension discrete-time also include sync info
List and information about all possible output ports (name, type, description with units).
List and information about all possible observation ports (name, type, description with units).
Same as Output settings, see above.
List and information about all configuration metadata files
RE (Ranking Economy) : Plot priority related to economic factors (investments, market prices, …) and crop cycle duration (also related to economic factors as most of the time long cycles are more investment demanding). The idea is to rank all crops used. ∈ [0, 1] \[RE\_i(t)= \frac{CropPriority\_i(t)}{sum_i(CropPriority\_i(t))} \label{eq:RE}\]
RS (Ranking Stress) : factor related to accumulated crop stress (number of days without irrigation). 2 strategies are possible : (i) favor the most stressed crops to avoid failure, or (ii) favor the least stressed crops, because the most stressed ones have disminished their potential yield. ∈ [0, 1] \[ RS\_i(t)=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} \frac{Lethal\_Threshold\_Days\_Without\_Water\_i(t) - Days\_Without\_Irrigation\_i(t-1)}{Lethal\_Threshold\_Days\_Without\_Water\_i(t)}, & \text{if}\ RS\_strategy=1 \\ \frac{Days\_Without\_Irrigation\_i(t-1)}{Lethal\_Threshold\_Days\_Without\_Water\_i(t)}, & \text{else if}\ RS\_strategy=2 \\ \end{array}\right. \label{eq:RS}\]
RC (Ranking Cycle) : factor related to relative normalised crop cycle realisation. 2 strategies are possible : (i) favor the crops closest to the end of their cycle to ensure harvest, or (ii) favor crops at the begining of their cycle to ensure correct development during early stages. ∈ [0, 1] \[ RC\_i(t)=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} \frac{Crop\_Cycle\_Duration\_i(t) - Days\_Since\_Sowing\_i(t-1)}{Crop\_Cycle\_Duration\_i(t)}, & \text{if}\ RC\_strategy=1 \\ \frac{Days\_Since\_Sowing\_i(t-1)}{Crop\_Cycle\_Duration\_i(t)}, & \text{else if}\ RC\_strategy=2 \\ \end{array}\right. \label{eq:RC}\]
RT (Ranking Technics) : factor related to the irrigation technic (drip, sprinkler, furrow, …). Rank crops by their irrigation technics from the least demanding in water to the most ones. ∈ [0, 1] \[RT\_i(t)= \frac{Irrigation\_Technic\_Factor\_i(t)}{max_i(Irrigation\_Technic\_Factor\_i(t))} \label{eq:RT}\]
\[R\_i(t)= a * RE\_i(t) + b * RS\_i(t) + c * RC\_i(t) + d * RT\_i(t) \label{eq:R}\]
IrrigationPriority_i(t) : rank of ascending ordered values of R_i(t), for ex-aequo values of R_i(t) the lowest value of BelePriorities is first
The FarmIrrigationManager model (using extension class DiscreteTimeDyn
) estimate ….
All irrigation water is provided for plots on the first day but can be removed from pump or pond during several consecutive days of a water cycle
To define the dynamic:
List and information about all possible parameters (name, type, ismandatory, description with default value).
See documentation of DiscreteTimeDyn
to get all available extension parameters (for example time_step)
Parameter name | Type | Is mandatory? | Description |
DbgLog | double | [] (default=0) | Debug messages verbosity level |
nbBele | int | [x] | number of plots to manage |
isPondForIrrigation | bool | [x] | define if pond water can be used for irrigation |
isOptimize | bool | [x] | define if water from last day of a cycle can be used (see case 2.1) |
isRefill | bool | [x] | define if water from pump can be used to refill the pond |
V0 | double | [x] | pond total volume (m3) |
PlotArea_i | double | [x] | plot area of the plot i with i ∈ [1, nbBele] (m2) |
List and information about all possible input ports (name, type, description with units).
for model using extension discrete-time also include sync info
List and information about all possible output ports (name, type, description with units).
List and information about all possible observation ports (name, type, description with units).
Same as Output settings, see above.
List and information about all configuration metadata files
Local variables defined and used in the following part are initialized as :
\[ pond\_AvailableIrrigationWater=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} V(-1), & \text{if}\ isPondForIrrigation(t) \\ 0, & \text{otherwise}\ \\ \end{array}\right. \label{eq:pond_AvailableIrrigationWater_1_2_init}\]
\[pump\_AvailableIrrigationWater = AvailableWater(t) \label{eq:pump_AvailableIrrigationWater_1_2_init}\]
\[total\_AvailableIrrigationWater = pond\_AvailableIrrigationWater + pump\_AvailableIrrigationWater \label{eq:total_AvailableIrrigationWater_1_2_init}\]
\[pond\_extraction = 0 \label{eq:pond_extraction_1_2_init}\]
\[pump\_extraction = 0 \label{eq:pump_extraction_1_2_init}\]
\[cycle\_max\_amount = PumpMaxVol(t) + pond\_AvailableIrrigationWater \label{eq:cycle_max_amount_1_2_init}\]
For each plot the local variables defined and used in the following part are initialized as :
\[plot\_irrig\_demand\_i = IrrigationDemand\_i(t) * PlotArea\_i / 1000. \label{eq:plot_irrig_demand_1_2_init}\] ∀ i ∈ [1, nbBele]
\[plot\_cycle\_duration\_i = ceil(\frac{plot\_irrig\_demand\_i - total\_AvailableIrrigationWater}{AvailableWater(t)}) \label{eq:plot_cycle_duration_1_2_init}\] ∀ i ∈ [1, nbBele]
Case detection : if \((WaterCycle\_Duration(t-1) <= 0.)\) & \((sum_i(IrrigationDemand\_i(t))==0)\)
Local variables equations :
\[pond\_extraction = 0 \label{eq:PondExtraction_1_1}\]
\[pump\_extraction = 0 \label{eq:PumpExtraction_1_1}\]
State Variables equations :
\[WaterCycle\_Duration(t) = 0 \label{eq:WaterCycle_Duration_1_1}\]
\[WaterCycle\_RemainingAmount(t) = 0 \label{eq:WaterCycle_RemainingAmount_1_1}\]
\[WaterCycle\_CurrentPlot(t) = -1 \label{eq:WaterCycle_CurrentPlot_1_1}\]
\[WaterCycle\_CurrentDose(t) = 0 \label{eq:WaterCycle_CurrentDose_1_1}\]
\[IrrigationAmount\_i(t) = 0 \label{eq:IrrigationAmount_1_1}\] ∀ i ∈ [1, nbBele]
\[Is\_Day\_Without\_Irrigation\_i(t) = 0 \label{eq:Is_Day_Without_Irrigation_1_1}\] ∀ i ∈ [1, nbBele]
Case detection : if \((WaterCycle\_Duration(t-1) <= 0.)\) & \((sum_i(IrrigationDemand\_i(t))>0)\)
Sequential loop over all plots requesting water using increasing values of IrrigationPriority_i(t), for each plot 3 cases are possible :
1.2.1. All the requested water can be provided in a single day using the pump and pond.
1.2.2 All the requested water can be provided during a water cycle.
1.2.3 Not all the requested water can be provided neither in a single day nor during a water cycle.
Case detection : if \((WaterCycle\_Duration(t) <= 0.)\) & \((plot\_irrig\_demand\_i <= total\_AvailableIrrigationWater)\)
Local variables equations :
\[pond\_AvailableIrrigationWater = pond\_AvailableIrrigationWater - pond\_flow \label{eq:pond_AvailableIrrigationWater_1_2_1}\]
\(pond\_flow =\min\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} pond\_AvailableIrrigationWater \\ plot\_irrig\_demand\_i \end{array}\right)\)
\[pump\_AvailableIrrigationWater = pump\_AvailableIrrigationWater - pump\_flow \label{eq:pump_AvailableIrrigationWater_1_2_1}\]
\(pump\_flow =plot\_irrig\_demand\_i - \min\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} pond\_AvailableIrrigationWater \\ plot\_irrig\_demand\_i \end{array}\right)\)
\[pond\_extraction = pond\_extraction + pond\_flow \label{eq:pond_extraction_1_2_1}\]
\[pump\_extraction = pump\_extraction + pump\_flow \label{eq:pump_extraction_1_2_1}\]
\[total\_AvailableIrrigationWater = pond\_AvailableIrrigationWater + pump\_AvailableIrrigationWater \label{eq:total_AvailableIrrigationWater_1_2_1}\]
\[cycle\_max\_amount = PumpMaxVol(t) - pump\_extraction + pond\_AvailableIrrigationWater \label{eq:cycle_max_amount_1_2_1}\]
State Variables equations :
\[IrrigationAmount\_i(t) = plot\_irrig\_demand\_i \label{eq:IrrigationAmount_1_2_1}\]
\[Is\_Day\_Without\_Irrigation\_i(t) = 0 \label{eq:Is_Day_Without_Irrigation_1_2_1}\]
Case detection : if \(( WaterCycle\_Duration(t)==0. )\) & \(( plot\_irrig\_demand\_i <= cycle\_max\_amount )\) & \(( plot\_cycle\_duration\_i <= Max\_Irrigation\_Duration\_i(t) )\)
Local variables equations :
\[pond\_extraction = pond\_extraction + pond\_AvailableIrrigationWater \label{eq:pond_extraction_1_2_2}\]
\[pump\_extraction = pump\_extraction + pump\_AvailableIrrigationWater \label{eq:pump_extraction_1_2_2}\]
\[pond\_AvailableIrrigationWater = 0 \label{eq:pond_AvailableIrrigationWater_1_2_2}\]
\[pump\_AvailableIrrigationWater = 0 \label{eq:pump_AvailableIrrigationWater_1_2_2}\]
\[total\_AvailableIrrigationWater = pond\_AvailableIrrigationWater + pump\_AvailableIrrigationWater \label{eq:total_AvailableIrrigationWater_1_2_2}\]
\[cycle\_max\_amount = PumpMaxVol(t) - pump\_extraction + pond\_AvailableIrrigationWater - (plot\_irrig\_demand\_i - total\_AvailableIrrigationWater) \label{eq:cycle_max_amount_1_2_2}\]
State Variables equations :
\[WaterCycle\_Duration(t) = plot\_cycle\_duration\_i \label{eq:WaterCycle_Duration_1_2_2}\]
\[WaterCycle\_RemainingAmount(t) = plot\_irrig\_demand\_i - total\_AvailableIrrigationWater \label{eq:WaterCycle_RemainingAmount_1_2_2}\]
\[WaterCycle\_CurrentPlot(t) = i \label{eq:WaterCycle_CurrentPlot_1_2_2}\]
\[WaterCycle\_CurrentDose(t) = AvailableWater(t) \label{eq:WaterCycle_CurrentDose_1_2_2}\]
\[IrrigationAmount\_i(t) = plot\_irrig\_demand\_i \label{eq:IrrigationAmount_1_2_2}\]
\[Is\_Day\_Without\_Irrigation\_i(t) = 0 \label{eq:Is_Day_Without_Irrigation_1_2_2}\]
Case detection : otherwise
\[IrrigationAmount\_i(t) = 0 \label{eq:IrrigationAmount_1_2_3}\]
\[Is\_Day\_Without\_Irrigation\_i(t) = 1 \label{eq:Is_Day_Without_Irrigation_1_2_3}\]
Case detection : if \((WaterCycle\_Duration(t-1) > 0.)\)
\[WaterCycle\_Duration(t) = WaterCycle\_Duration(t-1) - 1 \label{eq:WaterCycle_Duration_2}\]
\[WaterCycle\_RemainingAmount(t)=\max\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} 0 \\ WaterCycle\_RemainingAmount(t-1) - WaterCycle\_CurrentDose(t) \end{array}\right) \label{eq:WaterCycle_RemainingAmount_2}\nonumber\]
\[ WaterCycle\_CurrentPlot(t)=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} WaterCycle\_CurrentPlot(-1), & \text{if}\ WaterCycle\_Duration(t)!=0 \\ -1, & \text{otherwise}\ \\ \end{array}\right. \label{eq:WaterCycle_CurrentPlot_2}\]
\[ WaterCycle\_CurrentDose(t)=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} WaterCycle\_CurrentDose(-1), & \text{if}\ WaterCycle\_Duration(t)!=0 \\ 0, & \text{otherwise}\ \\ \end{array}\right. \label{eq:WaterCycle_CurrentDose_2}\]
\[pond\_extraction = 0 \label{eq:PondExtraction_2}\]
\[pump\_extraction=\min\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} WaterCycle\_CurrentDose(t) \\ WaterCycle\_RemainingAmount(t-1) \end{array}\right) \label{eq:PumpExtraction_2}\nonumber\]
\[IrrigationAmount\_i(t) = 0 \label{eq:IrrigationAmount_2}\] ∀ i ∈ [1, nbBele]
\[ Is\_Day\_Without\_Irrigation\_i(t)=1 \label{eq:Is_Day_Without_Irrigation_2}\] ∀ i ∈ [1, nbBele]
If isOptimize option is activated.
In the case where it is the last day of an active water cycle we subsequently try to do 1 day irrigations (similar to case 1.2.1), using the remaining water and using pump volumes from the start of the water cycle.
Sequential loop over all plots requesting water using increasing values of IrrigationPriority_i(t).
Local variables defined and used in the following part are initialized as :
\[ pond\_AvailableIrrigationWater=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} V(-1), & \text{if}\ isPondForIrrigation(t) \\ 0, & \text{otherwise}\ \\ \end{array}\right. \label{eq:pond_AvailableIrrigationWater_2_1_init}\]
\[pump\_AvailableIrrigationWater = WaterCycle\_CurrentDose(t-1) - WaterCycle\_RemainingAmount(t-1) \label{eq:pump_AvailableIrrigationWater_2_1_init}\]
\[total\_AvailableIrrigationWater = pond\_AvailableIrrigationWater + pump\_AvailableIrrigationWater \label{eq:total_AvailableIrrigationWater_2_1_init}\]
\[pond\_extraction = PondExtraction(t) \label{eq:pond_extraction_2_1_init}\]
\[pump\_extraction = PumpExtraction(t) \label{eq:pump_extraction_2_1_init}\]
For each plot the local variables defined and used in the following part are initialized as :
\[plot\_irrig\_demand\_i = IrrigationDemand\_i(t) * PlotArea\_i / 1000. \label{eq:plot_irrig_demand_2_1}\] ∀ i ∈ [1, nbBele]
if \((plot\_irrig\_demand\_i <= total\_AvailableIrrigationWater)\)
Local variables equations :
\[pond\_AvailableIrrigationWater = pond\_AvailableIrrigationWater - pond\_flow \label{eq:pond_AvailableIrrigationWater_2_1}\]
\(pond\_flow =\min\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} pond\_AvailableIrrigationWater \\ plot\_irrig\_demand\_i \end{array}\right)\)
\[pump\_AvailableIrrigationWater = pump\_AvailableIrrigationWater - pump\_flow \label{eq:pump_AvailableIrrigationWater_2_1}\]
\(pump\_flow =plot\_irrig\_demand\_i - \min\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} pond\_AvailableIrrigationWater \\ plot\_irrig\_demand\_i \end{array}\right)\)
\[pond\_extraction = pond\_extraction + pond\_flow \label{eq:pond_extraction_2_1}\]
\[pump\_extraction = pump\_extraction + pump\_flow \label{eq:pump_extraction_2_1}\]
\[total\_AvailableIrrigationWater = pond\_AvailableIrrigationWater + pump\_AvailableIrrigationWater \label{eq:total_AvailableIrrigationWater_2_1}\]
State Variables equations :
\[IrrigationAmount\_i(t) = plot\_irrig\_demand\_i \label{eq:IrrigationAmount_2_1}\]
\[Is\_Day\_Without\_Irrigation\_i(t) = 0 \label{eq:Is_Day_Without_Irrigation_2_1}\]
Irrigation_i with i ∈ [1, nbBele] (mm.d-1) unit conversion from (m3) \[Irrigation\_i(t)= \frac{IrrigationAmount\_i(t) * 1000.}{PlotArea\_i} \label{eq:Irrigation_i}\] ∀ i ∈ [1, nbBele]
Days_Without_Irrigation_i with i ∈ [1, nbBele] (day) counter of consecutive days where Is_Day_Without_Irrigation_i \[ Days\_Without\_Irrigation\_i(t)=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} Days\_Without\_Irrigation\_i(t-1) + 1, & \text{if}\ Is\_Day\_Without\_Irrigation\_i(t)=1 \\ 0, & \text{otherwise}\ \\ \end{array}\right. \label{eq:Days_Without_Irrigation}\] ∀ i ∈ [1, nbBele]
\[PondRefill(t)=\left\{ \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} \min\left( \begin{array}{@{}ll@{}} pump\_AvailableIrrigationWater \\ V0 - V(t-1) \end{array}\right), & \text{if}\ isRefill \\ 0, & \text{otherwise}\ \\ \end{array}\right. \label{eq:PondRefill}\] along with \(pump\_extraction = pump\_extraction + PondRefill(t)\)
\[PondExtraction(t)=pond\_extraction \label{eq:PondExtraction}\]
\[PumpExtraction(t)=pump\_extraction \label{eq:PumpExtraction}\]